Here’s The Truth About ‘Long, Lean’ Muscles

long lean musclesWe’ve all seen a workout class or fitness method that promises long, lean muscles. These words have long been just accepted into our fitness vernacular, and we don’t usually bat an eyelash when we see a workout claim this. But the truth is, that’s not how it works.

You can do pilates or barre or whatever workout you choose until you’re blue in the face, and you may notice your body changing. What’s not happening? Your actual muscles growing in length or getting leaner. Let’s just be straight: The first is impossible, and the second isn’t a thing.

“‘Long, lean muscles’ became a popular marketing scheme targeted toward women who were afraid of ‘bulking up,” Pamela Geisel, M.S., C.S.C.S., C.P.T. an exercise physiologist at the Hospital for Special Surgery’s Tisch Sports Performance Center, tells SELF. Women are told to do these workouts instead, because they won’t build bulky muscles, but small, dainty, and lean muscles.

Are your bullshit alarms sounding? Good, ours too. It should go without saying that women should be celebrated for their strength, and having big muscles (or small muscles, for that matter) is never bad or wrong. More women than ever are lifting heavier and putting on more muscle, which is amazing. But of course, some women aren’t looking to build bigger muscles and are simply looking to strength train for the other health benefits, like increasing bone health and improving metabolic health. All desires are legitimate, and SELF is all about supporting women in whatever wellness goal is important to them. We all have different goals, and that’s great. But we digress…

Back to this “long and lean” thing: Here’s what you need to know about those claims—and how to set realistic expectations if you’re looking to change your body composition through strength training.

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