You had a great time last night…and now you’re paying for it. While collegiate wisdom says to reach for greasy, fatty foods to “soak up” the alcohol, that large cheese pizza you ordered at 3 A.M. (and then snacked on later for “breakfast”) is mixing up a potent gastrointestinal cocktail that’s just too strong for your weak tummy to handle. And even if you have a stomach of steel, most fat-laden foods don’t provide your body with the nutrients alcohol has depleted, says nutritionist Monica Reinagel, M.S., L.D.N., C.N.S.
That doesn’t mean you can’t eat your way to a brighter morning after. You just need to pick foods that’ll replace the nutrients your body has lost and fight the toxins it’s acquired, she says.
Here, the seven foods to eat to save your so-called Sunday Funday.